Learning in the Workplace

Learning in the Workplace

Everyone Learns Learning is like breathing. Most of the time, we do it without noticing. At the same time, we can also control it. We have the ability to focus our attention and energy on learning something new, in the same way we can use slow deep breaths to calm...
The Right Time for Professional Development

The Right Time for Professional Development

When is the right time for professional development? Is there even such a thing? “We’re hiring a few new employees right now so let’s wait until they’re onboarded.” “We’re swamped with work and can’t come up for air so let’s push it off until things calm down.”...
The Number

The Number

When I led the Human Resources team for an organization for many years, I would sometimes end my day thinking – what did I accomplish today? There were days where I shook my head and said – nothing…  Years ago, I decided not to focus so much on the tangible work...
What To Do Before You Upskill

What To Do Before You Upskill

Are you a “life-long-learner?” If you haven’t adopted an “upskilling” behavior, now would be a good time to start. A full half of the global workforce will require “reskilling” by 2025, according to one jobs report. In just a few short years, many of us...
Business Books from the humanworks8 Bookshelf

Business Books from the humanworks8 Bookshelf

Why We Read “Business Books” The humanworks8 team is committed to continuous learning. We want to learn from others, challenge our own thinking and leverage existing research as we continue to bring The 8 to life in our client organizations. One way we do...