Learning in the Workplace

Learning in the Workplace

Everyone Learns Learning is like breathing. Most of the time, we do it without noticing. At the same time, we can also control it. We have the ability to focus our attention and energy on learning something new, in the same way we can use slow deep breaths to calm...
Elevate Your Performance Review Process

Elevate Your Performance Review Process

My Performance Review: I want to be a “5.” My leader was about to give me my annual performance review. Being a manager myself, I knew the drill. Each of the boxes my leader had filled out about me, I had already filled out for the members of my own team. And like...
57 Performance Reviews

57 Performance Reviews

Sometimes, solutions to workplace challenges like performance management and employee development arise from unexpected places. A few weeks ago, I started receiving emails from Microsoft called “My Analytics.” Have you seen these? Microsoft is tracking my digital...