Next Step Insurance

The Outcomes

Two new team members added using Kolbe RightFit™

Retained all employees in 2021

70% of quarterly rocks completed after first strategic planning engagement

Record customer enrollments in 2021

Client Profile

Medical Insurance

15 Employees

Privately Owned

Founded 2013

Plymouth, WI

“We are a young company but growing faster than we can keep up with. I am looking for a solution to guide us in establishing a firm foundation for our business, making sure we are putting appropriate pieces in place to chart a course for long-term success from the beginning.”

humanworks8 Solutions

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The Core Value Touchpoints

Next Step Insurance was undergoing a transition of ownership, and sought our support in moving beyond the existing values statement: "We are the next generation and we hold the values you would expect from those who helped you in the past." To do this, all team members participated in the process by joining one of two Values Discovery Sessions. After gathering stories and comments, we created a set of draft core values, letting them sink in while we moved the business forward with Kolbe and strategic planning. After critically evaluating the new values over time, six were formed that felt true to the owners and were present in daily actions carried out by each member of the team.

Core Values were launched at an all-team off-site gathering, along with company Ground Rules. Values were the foundation for new internal recognition initiatives and were added to meeting agendas and company letterhead. New values were the guiding principle to make it through their busy open enrollment season with a greater sense of calm, wellness and team appreciation.

The Kolbe System

After reviewing Kolbe A™ Index results with two business owners (9334 and 7382), we took the team of 13 through the Kolbe A Index and Activate Your Instinct workshop. The workshop sparked conversation about celebrating each individual’s uniqueness and recognizing different needs and approaches represented across the team.

Each team member received a Kolbe Comparisons: A to A™ Report with every other team member and was encouraged to discuss results together regularly. We established a Kolbe RightFit™ Range of Success for Insurance Agent, Medical Insurance Agent Assistant and Client Service Specialist roles, and added two new employees to the team using the RightFit process.

After six months, the team formally revisited Kolbe with a reinforcement session with their new team of 15 that sparked conversation about the team’s synergy. Following that session, team members expressed interest in involving their family members so we facilitated a company-sponsored family session, engaging spouses and children in the Kolbe A Index and Student Aptitude Quiz™. This session uncovered new learnings that brought relief and understanding to family relationships.

With big goals in mind but no formal strategic planning process or tracking mechanisms in place, the co-owners were seeking a balance of structure and flexibility as required by the demands of their busy season and daily client responsibilities. We went on a journey to define their business vision, then moved to getting more strategic with their 6-month goals, priorities for the quarter and milestones for the year. They went through this process twice, ultimately creating a one-year plan.

We clarified and documented front and backstage processes, discussed accountability across roles, dug into customer service issues, established KPIs, identified priority issues and ways to hold each other accountable to achieving the goals set forth.

The co-owners integrated these issues and goals into weekly meetings, created a plan for future staffing needs and adapted the strategic planning timeline to best fit their needs as an insurance business.

Client Feedback

Throughout our journey with humanworks8, we gained a new perspective on ourselves, our team and our company that will set us up for the future we envision. We celebrated individual and team strengths, defined our core values, hired new team members and clarified our strategic vision. The humanworks8 team went above and beyond our expectations, providing the structure, flexibility and facilitation we needed while offering timely support and empowering coaching along the way. We’re excited about the progress we made throughout this process and feel like we’re back on track. This time spent working on the business has been invaluable.

We’ve never been in a better position. We feel calmer and we can be proactive.

Kevin Stifle and Kristina George

Co-Owners, Next Step Insurance

New Capabilities

Integrate values into people practices, including talent discovery, recognition and performance management.

Reinforce Kolbe through facilitated workshops focused on teamwork and communication. Hire considering all Three Parts of the Mind.

Effectively identify, discuss and reach company goals through using the strategic planning foundation built in 2021.